The Same Parts

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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Billi Marsh
The Same Parts
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2020 3:32:27 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

Drag in the world had eluded him his whole life and it was such a large part of queer culture. People had to teach him how to participate in it because he was so far outside of it and focusing on himself that he wanted to learn more about his people. Where better than a bar that advertised drag queens. Stupidly of course he thought it was just women dressing up and having fun, which is also true, but when it’s a gay bar it’s normally everyone in between that spectrum. Heck even Galar’s Drag Race slipped through his radar.

Walking into the club, with his brightest attire appropriate for a black light party bar thing. It had white and splashes of those snap necklaces and things splashed onto it to give him that edger more fun gay vibe, even though all he did was respectfully sit and just hand his money out in sheer awe. Usually to the same blonde queen that came out every time giving a brilliant show.

After the amazing show Billi had wandered out back, sober as can be, because he was alone, and confused at where the exits were, and rammed into one of the performers. “I’m sorry Ma’am!” the irish accent popped out as he held his hands in front of him, all the while Rotomphone was floating around taking pictures.

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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Alexei Ivanov
The Same Parts
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2020 17:25:40 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Who knew that moonlighting at a bar like this was so much fun?

Hah, the same advice he’d given Miss Isra before had ended up biting him in the ass recently. Well, her, because she was down at Lilycove to have a good time. It was actually a better idea that this was happening somewhere that wasn’t Fortree because well, of course he had an image to maintain.

He knew that one of the usual members in the crowd had shown up again, and my goodness he wanted to meet this very persistent patron of his. After his show had ended, he had yet to take off his wig—however the makeup he had applied was already rubbed off and he was finishing up the removal of the eyeshadow he’d applied rather generously.

“Ah, there’s no need to apologize—“ he said, not realizing that he’d broken back into his normal voice until he blinked a few moments later as he realized just who had bumped into him.

“Oh, hello,” he added a few moments later.

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
The Same Parts
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2020 23:05:00 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

“Ohh h-h-hi” he stuttered because it was the queen he was supporting from earlier with his dollar bills. Well maybe not just dollars multiples but that's besides the point. She was extravagant and pretty, and upclose it seemed to be….Billi’s face twisted upwards in shock. “You’re a man?” Billi shouted out shocked because he couldn’t believe it, and it probably came off extremely rude.

“I didn’t know! Drag queens were dudes!” his arms pumped up and down like a crazy child beaming with unparalleled excitement. “That’s so cool that is like so much makeup!” he stated again, “Oh I’m sorry for bumping into you. You’re just really cool!” Billi eyes scanned them and thought for a moment and looked more, “So do you have boobies too?” he was dumb as fuck but he had to ask.

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
The Same Parts
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2020 19:51:39 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

For all the way he’d reacted, Alexei couldn’t help but chuckle softly. Clearing his throat, he gave the young man a grin, before raising a finger to his lips and giving him a wink.

“Of course, drag queens have their own secrets, don’t you think?” he continued with a wink, letting his voice settle back into its normal octave. Oh, how he had much to learn.

“There are also drag kings, but those are women who go out and perform dressed as men,” he explained. He was sorely tempted to remove the long wig right then and there but decided against it anyway.

“Oh, these?” he chuckled as he gestured at his chest. “That’s magic,” he went on with another Cheshire Cat-like grin. After a few moments, he finally managed to detach the dainty hat perched atop the hair he currently had on.

“You’ve got to have a steady hand when applying makeup, and believe me, shopping for the right shade of concealer and foundation the first time is bound to get you some looks and stares. But of course, I ignore them. They don’t know the secrets of the world of drag.”

He realized he was rambling, before catching himself.

“Since you’ve come by so frequently—can I get the pleasure of knowing your name?” he added with a mischievous grin.

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
The Same Parts
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2020 5:21:36 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

Damn….drag queens were huge, and Billi didn’t say that about a whole lot of people because well...he was the biggest person he knew. From muscles down to the size of his….legs. Billi was just large, and a drag queen that outmassed him in heels was just like a fabulous giraffe. Somehow Billi admired these people, even if he was ignorant to the actual skills required to beat a face and contour, and be fashionable. Then again it was just something he never viewed for himself being able to do.

Knowledge was power and an open mind was like having a third eye and third ear, and a second brain. It just allowed one to soak in the information and never go against the current of change. Blue eyes widened at the incoming information, “Oh the more you know!” he chuckled before pausing even more as he was left to wander what these secrets were.

Of course the man didn’t understand what the hell this makeup talk was, nor did he understand the struggle, because let’s face it, Billi was a flawless beauty blessed with goddess genes. Not a blemish or off set angel ran across his face. Even more on topic, he had a steady hand from using cameras all the time, “I have a steady hand! I take pictures and videos all the time so i’m like super still! No dinosaur from jurassic park could find me!” Billi flexed himself because he was great and lovable!

“Oh me?! I’m Billi! Billi Marsh!” he grinned and stared more, “How do you buy clothes that fit how big you are? I mean, I can barely buy clothes that fit my biceps. When I flex it just CRECCHH and I love my arms in my shirts so I gotta spend a bunch of money, oh sorry I got distracted!” he grinned stepping back, “Sorry I’m in your space,” he nodded.

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
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5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
The Same Parts
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2020 11:52:36 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Ah,” Alexei remarked, mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “When it comes to clothes alterations, you got to have a hand with sewing at the very least. Admittedly I have to keep like, all my needles pre-threaded already because getting the thread in that stupid dinky-ass little hole is a challenge,” he chuckled.

At the gesturing, and the flexing, he couldn’t help but giggle.

“I can imagine. See, if there’s one thing you shouldn’t be afraid of—it’s to look in the plus-sized clothes department. I’ve helped some other queens who are just as sturdily built as you find clothes that they feel comfortable in,” he offered a few moments later.

At the mention of personal space, he waved a hand.

“Look, if it’s to help another queen, I am totally down. Do you make your own clothes?” he inquired a few moments later. Surely, Billi was the bulkiest of the lot he’d seen so far. The arms were rather noticeable, but with some maneuvering here and there…

“Have you found your perfect pair of heels yet?” he continued a few moments later as he removed the wig he had on before placing it on the wig stand on the dressing room table. Shaking the hair net off, it felt great for his natural hair to breathe again.

“High, or flat on the ground? What do you prefer for movement?”

Ahh, there was so much to get started on!

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
263 height
263 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
618 posts
Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @billi
Billi Marsh
The Same Parts
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2020 22:27:53 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar
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Looking for a cure

for a callous heart


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]WATER BUBBLE

Billi didn’t quite understand how fast Alexei went from one to a hundred. Firstly Billi never even mentioned that he could sew, and he never honestly tried it before, but he should. Now that Alexei mentioned it. Perhaps it would help solve his tearing issues of his clothes. Then again...he’d have to learn and figure it all out on his own, and hope to god he had a talent for it. “Yeah I got chonky fingers so it becomes really hard to do so,” Billi grinned.[break][break]

“Shopping in the plus-size? I already….kinda a do? Normally I gotta buy them online cuz I’m so big,” Billi naturally didn’t understand the context of what the drag queen was telling him. Considering he was talking about dresses and Billi was talking about the need for normal boy clothes, that never fit him correctly. “Queen?” Billi pointed to himself with imaginary question marks popping up above his head, “oh no I don’t do drag. I’m far too manly for it,” he referred to his body.[break][break]

“I’ve...never worn heels…” he raised his brow even more confused, “I’m really not a drag queen,” he laughed, “I’ve never used make up or anything like that.”

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing